Right now there is no single place more important than your home. Within these walls we must work, teach our children, exercise, feed, entertain ourselves and then feel relaxed enough to fall asleep at night. Only to do the same again the next day. How we conceptualise our personal space is changing with the evolving methods of meeting our daily needs solely within the home. No wonder many people out there are re-considering how they use their space and how to make the existing space work better for themselves.

It is a perfect time to make space for new designs within your home. Are there areas in your home that no longer serve you or don’t offer the functionality that you need? Do you have unused garden space that you could convert into an extension? Do you need to set up a smart corner for your work video calls? Is it a home bar that you are missing to unwind in the evenings? Or extra kitchen space to make easier cooking 3 times a day?

Once you define your wish list of your perfect lockdown home, it’s time to consider if you do have the time and knowledge to do it alone or should you need help from the professionals. We caught up with Gloria Sanchez from Tailored Living Interiors ( to find out how you might benefit from hiring an interior designer to help you achieve your dream home.

Interior design is a skill and an art. Hiring an interior designer is always the right decision when you have invested or are about to invest some money into your property. An interior designer will ensure that the final result is not only beautiful to look at but also functional. At Tailored Living Interiors we like to take this statement a step further and create interiors that are a reflection of your personality and style, making it work for the way you live your life. A good designer will bring a set of trained eyes to any project and will notice things that are often missed, as a result of years of experience together with an artistic eye.

Here we summarise the principal benefits you will accrue when appointing an interior designer for your project:

  1. Financial savings

In the long term an interior designer will SAVE YOU MONEY in more ways than one;– Hiring a designer will save you money by helping you avoid making expensive mistakes and recommending correct materials for the project. Have you ever walked into a friend’s home and realised that some items of furniture were not the right size or shape for the room? Or have you ever painted a wall to realise that it was not the right colour and had to do it again? Or bought an item of furniture that looked great at the showroom but didn’t look so good at home and you can not quite understand why?

– A designer can ultimately make you money by enhancing the value of your number one asset – your home.  Take any three similar properties on a given street or location; the one that has been interior designed will always command a premium in price. In our own experience, our client in Dulwich had the property valued before and after the complete home renovation took place. Price guidance doubled post renovation.

– A designer can save you money by closely monitoring your budget. The designer will allocate a percentage of the budget to various elements of your project, helping you see what you can afford (and are willing) to spend on each area of redecoration. If you want to have very elaborate curtains it might mean you’ll need to reduce your budget for floor covering. All these adjustments are made through the design process and always before the actual job begins. At Tailored Living, we have an excellent track record at achieving our client’s vision with the agreed budget.

-Interior Designers also understand the lead times required for decisions and can make sure items are on site when required, saving the client money on having to bring trades people back in to fit that late tile or sink, or whatever.

2. Enriched environment

A good interior designer will ENRICH YOUR LIFE by improving your environment.

– When people think about health and well-being they generally think about diet and activity levels. However, the environment they choose to situate themselves will affect their emotional state of mind in both a negative and positive manner. For example, a designer will know which colour to use to aid calm and repose within a bedroom or how the lack of light in a room can have a negative effect on our emotional state of mind. Lighting can play a vital role when it comes to enhancing interior ambiances and at Tailored Living, we have quite a few lighting tricks up our sleeves.

3. Time saving

An interior designer will also SAVE YOU TIME.

All interior designers have a little black book of exclusives contacts and they will know where to go to get the most skilled craftmanship.
The designer will also manage and co-ordinate the relations between builders and contractors using drawings and other tools at their disposal to ensure all parts involved fully understand the intricacies of your project, ultimately minimising or eliminating any potential mistakes or pitfalls.

4. Reducing Stress

An interior designer will REDUCE STRESS in your life.

A designer can speak to the trades people and suppliers in their “language” and make sure everyone is on the same page.  They will have an extensive network and range of resources that they can tap into and will able to provide appropriate solutions when those unforeseen problems do arise. Clearly this minimises any stress for the homeowner.  The designer will also have experience of working with the trades that they recommend so that you can be confident in the quality of the trade person’s work and will not be wasting your money by having to re-do any sub-standard work.

Great spaces don’t happen by chance, they are the result of professionals working, planning, sourcing and co-ordinating for hours, weeks and months before installation even starts to take place.





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