The main objective of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom is to strengthen the commercial relations between British and Spanish companies.

The Chamber offers its members a wide variety of services including access to its contact network and information regarding business opportunities in the UK and Spain.

We offer three categories of membership which are suited to different company’s requirements. Association with the Chamber provides a series of general benefits for all members while there are exclusive advantages for each of the superior membership categories.

The categories of membership with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the UK are as follows:

This category is suitable for companies interested in expanding their contact network and enhancing their visibility in the British-Spanish business community in London.

This category is ideal for companies wishing to upgrade their membership and sample some of the benefits which come with the Patron membership.


This category is appropriate for large and multinational companies wishing to benefit from greater institutional visibility with their membership.






Member profile and logo displayed on the Chamber’s website

Invitation to company events associated with the Chamber

Access to exclusive offers on the Chamber website via the private members area

The opportunity to publicise promotions, events or job vacancies via our various communication channels

Invitation to the Chamber’s frequent networking events, the majority of which are free of charge: 3 tickets for Corporate Ordinary Members, 5 tickets for Benefactors and 10 for Patrons (subject to availability)

Discounts for all of the Chamber’s services and publicity packages

Special announcement in the Chamber’s newsletter, blog and social media channels to inform our contact network of new members.

Complementary use of our meeting room (5 hours annually for benefactors, 10 for patrons)

Priority for organising events in collaboration with the Chamber

1 x Complementary publicity in our fortnightly newsletter

2 x Complementary blog article published about your company upon becoming a member of the Chamber

Logo publicised in our newsletter and website, hyperlinked to the company’s own website

Company name included in all of our marketing material (email signatures, corporate documents, photocalls and on menus at corporate events)

Placard with the company name displayed at the entrance of the Chamber’s office building

Invitation to the Annual Patrons’ Dinner at the Spanish Embassy

Priority when receiving invitations for events organised in collaboration with other institutions and Chambers of Commerce

Priority invitation to Forums (subject to availability)


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