We would like to welcome CaixaBank as new Patron of the Spanish Chamber.


CaixaBank is Spain’s leading bank by market share. It operates in retail banking and insurance, while also holding investments in international banks and prominent services companies. The bank, with Jordi Gual as Chairman and Gonzalo Gortázar as CEO, serves close to 14 million customers and has a network of 5,131 branches. It is the leading operator in retail banking, with a retail customer penetration as primary bank of 25.7%.

The Group’s essence – and what sets it apart from others – is its level of implication and unswerving commitment to society. CaixaBank’s banking operations are grounded resolutely in the principles of quality, trust and social engagement.  Likewise, CaixaBank has been recognised as a leading innovator in financial services worldwide, with 5 million online customers and 3 million active mobile banking customers each month.

CaixaBank’s has international presence through its representative offices, operative branches and various financial holdings in banks (BPI in Portugal and Erste in Austria). CaixaBank has also maintained its strategic alliances with BEA in Hong Kong and GF Inbursa in México, stakes that were transferred to Criteria Caixa, CaixaBank’s parent, in 2016.

CaixaBank has been in the United Kingdom since January, 2004 when it opened a representative office; and has now a fully operative branch in London for Corporate customers.

Should you want to know more about our new Patron, please visit their website: www.caixabank.com


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