We are delighted to present the XV edition of our Graduate European Programme, a graduate work placement programme that has been successfully running since 1990. The application period for candidates interested in doing a 6-month internship in London-based companies opened on Monday 15th April and will close on Friday 14th June.

The Graduate European Programme offers university graduates the opportunity to undertake work experience in London at the same time as they attend Business English classes and workshops  at Regent’s Universtity London. The programme is mainly aimed at graduates with a background in Business, Economics or Marketing  -as these are the most requested profiles by participating companies.

Further information about the programme can be found in our website in the Graduate European Programme section under the Career Services menu. Likewise prospective candidates will find helpful the section dedicated to frequently asked questions and the Terms and conditions for candidates 2013/2014.

Companies are also welcome to participate by offering 6-month placements for candidates. Those companies  interested in hosting an intern can find more information about the programme by visiting the following section of our website GEP – Information for companies.

Why not have a look at previous posts about the Programme to see what our graduates have done in the last edition?

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