Sylvia Carrasco, founder of Másclaro, during the Seminar.

Most experts on organisations, management and leadership, assert that effective internal communications are key for effectiveness in any type of organisation. This might sound quite obvious but, do we apply it our work in a daily basis? Are Internal Communications departments really effective?

Sylvia Carrasco, founder of Másclaro, Spanish Communications Agency which specialises in Communication solutions and strategies for companies, spoke about this topic last Thursday 17th May in a Seminar organised in collaboration with the Chamber. “A good Communication with employees helps us to improve results not only within the organisation, but also with the clients”, Sylvia said as an introduction to her speech.

It is true that a large number of studies by both professional management groups and professional communications bodies consistently find that ‘communicating with employees’ is a useful and powerful way of engendering greater ‘engagement’ – the propensity of the employee to want to come to work and want to contribute to the success of the company.

“The perceived image of the company, which in the end is what makes someone a client, will be much better if there has been previously a good Communication with the employees of the company”, Sylvia pointed out.

Smart organizations recognise that employees will always talk with/to each other, so it is better to set the agenda and informal discussion points than have them dictated by an uninformed staff.

What do you think? Is there a good communication with employees in your company? What would you  suggest to improve it?

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