On  9th May  Babylon Magazine, member of the Chamber, held the first edition of  “Hispassion: We love Hispanic Culture” at the H10 London Waterloo Hotel.

The event brought together a lot of representatives from both British and Spanish companies by giving them the chance to network and also to enjoy some delicious Spanish food (such as an amazing “paella”).  All involved seemed to get on really well, and you could even say the atmosphere had a typical spanish taste: everybody was standing, chatting and laughing… even playing! Yes, they did!

Every guest was given a sticker when they arrived with a word written either in Spanish or in English. The point was that you had to find your match by looking for the translation of the word you were given. Once you found your match, you both had to strike a pose at the photo call wearing different masks on your face. There was a contest within the game and so, the funniest picture taken won dinner for two at the H10 London Waterloo Hotel.

Juan Calleja, Babylon’s director gave a speech and talked about Babylon’s aim to keep on improving and expanding their brand further. He also thanked all the attendees and said they are looking forward to hold events similar to Hispassion more often from now on.

Babylon is a media organisation focused on Hispanic culture. It has different channels  which provide a wide range of contents: from articles devoted to Spanish personalities to didactic tools detailing how to get some guidance on learning Spanish language through their articles.

The brand was launched in 2008 and ever since they’ve been spreading Hispanic culture around the globe. Up until now, they have presence in almost every country but are based in Spain and the UK since London was their first achievement.

*If you would like to see the rest of the pictures of the event, click here to access Babylon’s Magazine gallery on Facebook.


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