The Spanish Chamber’s meeting room, with its 34 square metres, Wi-Fi connection and screen and projector service, offers you the chance to make use of a space in which you can carry out business meetings, team training sessions and even organise your own events in a prime location.
Details for hiring the space:

  • Capacity: 20 people seated (30 standing)
  • Size: 34.50 square metres
  • WIFI connection
  • Location: W1U, central London
  • Analogue telephone
  • Screen and projector service
  Members None Members
1 hour £70.00 £100.00
10 hours £400.00 NA
20 hours £600.00 NA
50 hours £1,250.00 NA
All day 9:30am to 5:00pm £350.00 £500.00
Morning (9:30am to 12:30pm)
or afternoon (2:00pm a 5:00pm)
£200.00 £300.00
Annual rate (maximum of 120 hours) £2,250.00 NA
*All of these prices are without tax    


For more information about hiring workspaces, please contact us by emailing

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