Plan for, and enjoy, the retirement you deserve!


Join us for an exclusive webinar which we will be holding in collaboration with Luis Villar, Chartered Wealth Manager at Chamber Member St James’s Place Wealth Management, on the topic of pension planning.


The journey towards and through later life is different for everyone, but most people will broadly experience four stages along the way. These include starting your savings, reviewing where you have got to, drawing on your retirement savings, and planning your legacy.


Each of these stages brings their own challenges and choices, and you will have your own objectives depending on where you are on your journey.


This webinar will address the following questions:


•                What are the different types of pensions?

•                How much money do you need to save for your retirement?

•                How much can I contribute to my pension?

•                How does tax relief work?

•                Consolidating your pensions

•                Your retirement options and tax planning considerations

•                Securing your legacy


Be in control of your retirement plan. Feel confident you can stop working when you want to. Enjoy the retirement you deserve.


Following Luis’ talk there will be a live Q&A during which you will be able to ask any questions that you might have.


Date: Tuesday 17th January.

Time: 10:00am – 11:00am GMT / 11:00am – 12:00pm CET.


Register Here


About the speaker:

Luis is a Chartered Wealth Manager that helps individuals, families and businesses achieve their personal and financial goals through bespoke, holistic financial planning and investment advice. His expertise includes:

• Pensions, includingpension transfers, pre-and post-retirement strategies

• Investment planning: ISAs, Mutual Funds, ETFs, VCTs, EIS, SEIS

• Protection planning: personal, family, business

 • Personal and business tax planning strategies

• Corporate financial planning

• Trust and estate planning*

• UK residents non-domiciled

• Spanish individuals, families and companies in the UK

The value of an investment will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

*Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.




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