Our popular “Elevator Pitch networking event” series is going digital!
- Up to a maximum of 10 people are able to participate, including members of the Spanish Chamber and non-member companies alike. Prior to the session, you will be informed who all of the other participants will be, and the names of their companies. The event will be conducted via Zoom, and moderated by a member of staff from the Spanish Chamber who will give instructions throughout
- To begin the session, each person will have 2 minutes to give a concise presentation (in English) that will summarise their company’s activities. This can be aided by a PowerPoint presentation, if preferred. After each participant has spoken, participants will have the opportunity to ask any questions they wish to each company in turn. Following the session, the contact details of each participant will be shared so that conversations and connections can be continued.
- Please be aware that a maximum of two companies per sector and only one representative per company can take part.
Date: Tuesday 15th June, 10:00 – 11:30 BST / 11:00 – 12:30 CEST