For the first 2021 online edition of the HR Forum organised by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the UK, we will be focusing on the issue of racial discrimination in the workplace and how the pandemic has exacerbated this. This online edition will carry the same format as the last one in that Monica Hernanz, the Forum’s Chairwoman, will begin by carrying out an open conversation with our esteemed guest speaker for the session, Shereen Daniels. Shereen is An advocate for anti-racism in business, the Vice Chair of the Black Business Association and the Founder & Managing Director of HR Rewired.

The dialogue will explore the following questions:

  • What is race inequality?
  • Do you think that the pandemic has had an effect on racial discrimination in the workplace, and if so, how?
  • What is the UK’s legal position on discrimination on the grounds of race?
  • What are the best employment practices for identifying, handling and preventing racial discrimination in the workplace?
  • How can companies improve in making equality and diversity a vital part of their company culture?


Date: Wednesday 24th March, 10:30am – 11:45am GMT / 11:30am – 12:45pm CET


The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:

10:30-10:45 Attendee welcome, virtual coffee and introduction to the session and the topic

10:45-11:15 Conversation between Monica Hernanz and Shereen Daniels

11:15-11:45 Forum member discussion


Speaker’s Biography

Shereen is the Founder & Managing Director of HR rewired, a consultancy which partners with organisations ready to take action to combat racial inequality. A strong advocate for anti-racism in business, Shereen is also Vice Chair of the Black Business Association for London Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

As an accomplished HR leader, Shereen is cited as one of the leading voices of anti-racism in the workplace and is a sought after speaker, instructor and advisor. Shereen has been featured in Forbes, BBC Worklife, voted one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices for 2020 and has been nicknamed the ‘Oprah Winfrey of Anti-racism’ due to the popularity on her LinkedIn/YouTube live broadcasts with guests.

Shereen accelerates Board-level knowledge to implement strategic impactful actions to think differently about anti-racism and advancing racial equity.  She is also the creator of the Daniels 4-Factor RACE model used to help organisations begin an intentional journey to become anti-racist.

You can find out more about Shereen by visiting her website, here.

This event is for HR professionals from member companies of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, and as such is by invitation only. If you would like to find out more or to participate, please contact

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