Madrid, February 2024

Konecta, a world leader in the provision of Customer Experience services, has strengthened its positioning and presence in the English-speaking market with the integration of Bespoke, a UK-based company specialising in business process outsourcing activities, with production in Durban, South Africa. To add further to its English-speaking offer, Konecta has also opened its first operations site in San Antonio, Texas (USA).

These two announcements consolidate the Spanish multinational’s geographic expansion strategy, and reinforce its proposition for the English-speaking market with a wide range of offshoring services. Through this expansion of its global footprint, Konecta is consolidating its position as one of the leading players in the sector worldwide, offering knowledge and experience in top-level CX BPO services to clients all over the world. 

The deal with Bespoke will provide Konecta with clients in the utilities and retail sectors and also extend its talent base with more than 1,100 highly skilled professionals providing services in English, creating a solid foundation for future growth and development to meet high demand.

«The integration of Bespoke brings additional expert talent in a key location,» says Mark Thomason, CEO of Bespoke and a pioneer in the South African BPO sector.» South Africa has established itself as a strong offshore services location for both major global brands, with a focus on the UK, Australia and the US. Our growth over the last four years is a reflection of this trend. By joining a global leader we will further accelerate our growth. My team and I look forward to joining Konecta and continuing our successful journey.”

Jesús Vidal, CEO of the Konecta Group, explains the multinational’s commitment to the English-speaking market and its expansion: «Following our successful acquisition and integration of Comdata, we continue to expand our English offering. The addition of Bespoke to our portfolio further consolidates our position in the UK market and reinforces our commitment to global English offshoring. I am delighted to welcome the Bespoke team to Konecta UK. Their professionalism, dedication and hard work perfectly fit our company culture. This takeover offers a great cultural and geographic fit and enhances our competitive service offering.»

Konecta, which merged with the multinational Comdata in April 2022 to create one of the largest groups in the sector globally, has been pursuing a geographical expansion plan for some years now. 

The company, founded and chaired by José María Pacheco, is already well established in the UK, with three centres in London’s Canary Wharf, Manchester and Ringwood, Hampshire. With the integration of Bespoke‘s operations in Durban (South Africa), it is consolidating one of its strategic priorities, which is to continue to make progress in the English-speaking market, both in the UK and in the USA and Australia.

Along with the consolidation of Bespoke, Konecta has strengthened its presence in the USA with the opening of an operations centre in San Antonio, Texas . With this centre, the Spanish multinational has gained a  strategic location, with a flexible infrastructure that already supports the operations of its clients in the healthcare sector, together with Colombia and the UK.

Konecta has a network of specialised operations centres across different countries to service the US market. These include El Salvador and Guatemala, with a pure teleworking (work from home) model; Mexico combining ‘digital marketing’; Colombia, leveraging local leadership to offer ‘nearshore’; and Peru, one of the fastest growing centres in CX BPO services.


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